Saturday, May 24, 2014

Balancing Dreams

Hello my dear dreamer,
It has been such a long time since I have written you. I've missed sharing my insights and feelings with you.

I am struggling to tap back into some of my hearts desires..

The more I think about it, the more I find how much I have let my dreams die.

Over the last two years I have really put some things on the back burner. My enthusiasm about life has slowly diminished and I miss its “friendship.” :)

I still adventure, yes. I still do some things I love, yes. But I have tasted pure enjoyment and satisfaction and I desire to find it again.

I have found that satisfaction comes from having balance in important areas or my life. I have parts of my life that are thriving and others that are dormant/dying. Pieces of my soul that are calling out to be expressed. So I will figure out how to express them.

Just as a gardener would tend to a sick plant, I am doing the same for my dreams. I need to find what fertilizer is needed, what pieces need to be pruned, and the right amount of water/sunlight etc.

In the moments when I have lived a life of excellence, I find the most fulfillment.

A life of excellence takes work, lots of it. I feel so inadequate at times, but I have to remind myself it takes one step at a time to climb a mountain.

At times climbing a mountain has been tough, and the temptation to quit and turn around has been ever present and real. But, as I continue to move forward, strengthen and determination is earned.

I’m trying to figure out my next step.

I’ll be making extra phone calls to Heaven for help.. ;)


All in all, my circumstances are great, job is great, hubby is wonderful and fun. I am happy with the progress that is being made. It’s just about finding the balance. Giving my dreams some space to fly is next on the list to adjust.

May faith and power be with you my game-changers/dreamers,
Love Dreamer Di

Challenge: Dig your dreams out of the ground and use them.

Words: Risk-taker