Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Give Yourself What You Need

Good morning Dreamers,

I've been up since 3am, thinking.

Not the most ideal hour, but I realize it's because I didn't give myself time to think/process yesterday. By not planning time to meditate and think, I unknowingly I filled each minute of my day.

I'll give myself grace in that then, and take responsibility for not giving my mind what it needed. And what it needs right now is time, space, to process. So I will give it the opportunity to do so.

It's been interesting to find a balance for each piece of me. Example: now I have to plan a nap into my day to give my physical body what it needs.

I've learned the hard way that being imbalanced in any of these areas creates chaos and potential pain from failure.

It's taken trial and error methods to come up with the solutions and conclusions I have.

I respected my mind this morning by not getting angry for being awake but giving it a couple hours to work some things out.

Since my nervous breakdown in February 2012 I have had to learn how to give my mind and body what they need, not overwork them, and listen to them. 

I am learning how to honor my presence as a whole. I have blown by my body, mind and spirits desires for years. Disregarded their intentions, wisdom and needs. In doing so, it has brought me results and problems I do not want.

All I know is, because I have taken the time to get to know my body, mind and spirit, I am learning their needs, and my life is unfolding beauty. It is pleasent. 

We are so complexly made.

Balance is where I find peace. 

God has been a great help, friend and guide.

Hope you have a great day.

Might be nap time already,
Love Dreamer Di

Challenge: Contunue listening to your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical needs so you can balance and find peace.

Word: Almond 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Tasting Results

Hey Dreamers,

I've been working for years to downsize.

Refining everything about myself and my surroundings.

This comes with the information I put into my brain, the people I surround myself with, getting rid of nasty old habits, and disconnecting from things and beliefs that don't create a result and good.

One favorite thing/hobby has been to disconnect from material items. 

I am constantly going through what I have. I am realizing that my emotions have changed and they do not connect to things anymore. This is so freeing.

Talking with my roommate tonight I realized: I am mobile.

I am mobile.

Holy crap, I am mobile... I've created the exact environment and possibility that I have wanted for years.

I have created jobs for myself where I plan my own schedule, make as little or as much as I want. I can work anywhere in the world, still do what I love, and I am my own boss. 

The reality and result of the environment I have created is finally hitting me.

I have disconnected from greed and the desire to spend money.

With work I have grown to not fill empty wounds in my soul with things that are not nurturing. Food, money, stuff, lust, and entertainment is not where I turn anymore.

And because of that, my pant size is shrinking drastically, bank accounts increasing, material things decreasing, including the stress of protecting/owning it. My time is filled with meaningful things, people and purpose. I am so blessed.

It has been a struggle, beyond what I ever expected, and there is more refinement to come, but I have created space for what I love on a daily basis.

I still have work to do in perfecting my craft, gaining skills and following directions, but I'm tasting some results from my work.

I am getting down to the very essentials of what I need. Consistently working to let go of things, the past, fears, and excuses.

In doing so I have found so much freedom. Freedom you guys. Freedom.

You know, God asked me a while ago. "Diana, what do you want freedom to look like?"

I have taken that suggestion seriously and have worked to create freedom daily.

I have a couple decisions to make this year. A lot of them would not be possible if it weren't for the freedom I have created around me.

I wish I could express how blessed I feel.

As I make these decisions I will fill you in on them.

Diligent work pays off,
Love Dreamer Di

Challenge: Think about how you can downsize you life. It can be throwing out a bag of things you don't use, making time for what you love or saving money instead of spending it. You can do it.

Words: Ask God to guide you

To give you an example of how much I've downsized, this is where I sleep.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Perfection And Love :)

I'm learning a couple new things today.

One, that if you want results, you must be willing to give up perfection.

This is so freeing.

I've waited a long time to share pieces of me and my heart. I have waited until I felt it was good enough or perfect. Some times I have waited too long...

I am happy to realize that I do not have to be perfect before I share/be myself with others.

I realize I don't have to be perfect before I love someone or bless them with a gift of friendship.

I don't have to be perfect to do what I love or live life to the fullest either. 

I am not perfect, but am beautiful. You are beautiful, important and special.

It has been nice to let a lot of unrealistic expectations go.

Another thing I am learning is joining with another in love is about the two of you, not just you. 

It is not what you lack and how they do not fill your need. It is how much you can help each other move forward.

Today I was sad for a bit. As I prayed for the other party my own pain was lifted because I focused on lightening their load first. Sometimes a deeper understanding comes from stepping back and looking at the bigger picture.

I was grateful for this clarity today.

Anyway, I hope you can let go of perfection and love each moment, creation and piece of you.

Love Dreamer Di

Challenge: Lighten the load on someone you love.

Word: Friend

Thursday, December 19, 2013

We Are All The Same

This last week has been pretty good. 

I uncovered a lot of things. Some were easier to swallow than others, but all together, they equaled progress.

It's amazing how real things can feel in the moment. My journals are consistent with their ups and downs, pushes and pulls. In that aspect, I'm sure our lives look the same.

A great reminder that we are all the same. Each person is learning, growing, struggling and searching for joy.

We are all the same in desiring peace and being hopeful of the future. 

We are all the same in wanting to feel satisfied at the end of the day.

We are all the same in wanting to be fed on many different levels. Whether it be physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually etc.

We are all the same in wanting to be loved, accepted and cared for.

We are all the same in so many ways.

As we interact with people around us let us remember to be patient, kind and loving to each person.

Merry Christmas!
Dreamer Di

Challenge: Love someone in their differences:)

Word: Nose

Monday, December 16, 2013

Gaining Strength

I'm gaining strength. 

It was challenging to recognize at first, but I feel myself gaining strength and power again.

I believe that my power comes from God. I believe that my power comes from healing and removing things that polute my thoughts and restrict my actions.

Focus is becoming real.

I am learning how to "Focus the sun through a magnifying glass." Createing heat and results through focusing passion.

This skill will come through continual practice.

I've been having fun with balancing and feel I'm doing better.

Amazingly, sleep is my number one priority. For with enough sleep my spirituality is enhanced, I'm protected from negativity, my mental capacity is deeper, I have an increased ability to cope/adapt to changes, my body feels better and I make wiser decisions.

I've learned the hard way that neglecting my sleep leads to burn out and a lot more mistakes than I need to make.. 

Let's succeed ay?
Love Dreamer Di

Challenge: Talk to God about what gives you strength, then do what he says= happiness and peace.

Words: Scratch and sniff stickers


Thursday, December 12, 2013

This Is War

So last week I started working with a coach again. 

It has been quite a while since I have had someone help me sort my excuses and fears. 

I realized today I have a lot of underlying fears that need some attention. They all end in self sabatoge and result in not reaching my desired destination.

They are annoying.

I am taking the time today to dig deeper and figure out what the hail is going on. I'm happy to pinpoint the fears, for it creates a possibility to overcome them.

I realize there are ways to get around these fears, but I want to get rid of the suckers too.

Doesn't it make you so mad to realize you are scared of something? It motivates me to move even more.

Will Smith once said "The only thing I fear is fear itself,"

It is true, fear keeps us bound and from movement. I hate fear with a passion and I'll do whatever it takes to destroy it's influence in my life.

My heart is on fire this morning, creating a steady determined beat. Let the drums roll.

Dreamer Di

Challenge: Face a fear today and do something you love.

Words: This is war

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

True Facts

You know, I've been thinkin. A couple people lately have expressed that I post words of inspiration. It is true, and I'm so happy my words are touching your life in a positive way. 

But to be real with you, being optimistic is a choice. Usually the words I share are conclusions to combat my own fears, doubts and insecurities. They often come with tears, temptations to quit, thought, and work.

I share the ending result in hopes to save you time and suffering if you are in the same situation.

I'm not a super human. I don't have something you don't. I'm living my life as well as I can. I am incredibly flawed and have so much work to do. I choose to see my flaws in broad day light, then, instead of letting it shut me down, I face them and change them: lots of work. I'm sure you do the same with your flaws.

I do have some Character traits that create strength, encouragement and inspiration, but those have been trained through work and hardship. They haven't been handed to me on a silver plater, decorated in fine stones. These attributes have been groomed in me, then I have just chosen to share them with you.

I want to be able to connect with you and be your friend. Please don't put me on a pedestal as something unattainable. You and I are both alike, we're striving not to give up and we're in this journey together.

Some skills are shown in my writing, ability to express, and love for people. Can you imagine if everyone shared their skills? The world would be such a better place. I invite you to continue to share who you are, to better the world. I know a lot of you, and you have so many priceless gifts to share. Thank you for giving.

Have a great day:)

Love Dreamer Di

Challenge: Pray to find the gifts inside of you to share with the world.

Word: struggle

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Share Yourself

You know, I still wonder sometimes, where's all this passion gunna take me?

First of all, I have only shared a small fraction of who I am and what I create. I've been sifting through excuses and gaining courage to do so. I think I'm almost to the point of letting it all go and letting it all out. 

What does it benefit me to keep everything to myself? 

Love Dreamer Di

Challenge: Share who you are

Word: Globe

Monday, December 9, 2013

Things Are Moving...

Things are happening so much faster right now.

I will get an idea and think: Cool, I can feel I need to do this, but I didn't expect for it to happen so quickly. It's literally needing to happen in that moment/day. It's been wild ya'll.

I've been having fun with it though. I'm not exactly sure what happened in my mind, but I am acting instantly, in peace, and just doing it without an expectation of result.

I am so grateful for that.

It's so weird to me that a challenging experience has helped my mind be free.

I have been facing a lot of my fears lately. Whether it be expressing feelings to someone I love or just disregarding the fear, they are being resolved. Pretty cool I would say.

I realized I have been living my life in fear of losing what I have. I haven't been living for what I can gain.(<-- Gigantic eye opening moment) Holy sweet moses, that really sucks.

To be honest I'm thinking far less than I ever have. I am surprised how much better the results are actually. 

Not saying I am making irresponsible/stupid decisions for my life, but I am not stressing if it is perfect and letting go, flowing.

I get an idea, check with my spirit and God and if it feels right, I am moving forward with it.

So far the results have been fruitful. I realize I have wasted so much energy in standing still, waiting, fearing and stressing. No bueno man. Stinky caca. 

I feel so much better in peace. It really has come down to trust and my relationship with God. I would not be making the progress I am now without the guidance and grace of God. 

Minimalism is moving to a whole new level. Not only is it happening physically with stuff around me, but I am using little energy on useless indecision and worrying. 

Anyway, I am feeling so much better about letting stuff go.

I am in the mood to get rid of more of my things. I might need to do a purge again pretty soon. I love those so much.

Hope you are well. I really appreciate your interest in my life. I don't mind sharing stuff like this with you. 

Love Dreamer Di

Challenge: See where you can let go and create more peace in your life.

Words: Apricot jam (Gosh that sounds so good.. )

Thursday, December 5, 2013

It Can Happen For You

Gosh, ya know, God has us. He really does.

I believe there is beauty in the darkness and He is the one that can show us where to find it.

I realize I have a lot of healing to do, a lot of pain to let go and brighter horizons to experience. I am just like you, living life and doing the best we can. 

Things aren't always perfect. I'm sure we can agree on that. People hurt us, we hurt ourselves, we misinterpret something. I mean the list could go on and on.

All I know is, healing is possible. Having the pain released is real and it can happen for me, and can happen for you.

I'm not even going to try to give you the impression that I know how to take care of all of these things. I don't. But I do know someone who does, Jesus Christ.

This is where my strength, character and healing has always come from.

Without God I would be the biggest mess. And even in the mud I find myself in now, I am still beautiful and loved by Him.

I am beginning to see that love for myself now too. 

I'm having more grace with myself as I am learning; gentle, as if I was a child. It's very comforting.

I pray you can find healing as well.

I love you.

Dreamer Di

Challenge: Take time for healing

Word: Peace

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Worth It

I am learning to believe in myself.


When throwing in the towel is the easiest option, where it seems like everything I've invested in myself is going in the trash, when belief seems to be burning around me, I have found myself standing up for myself, to myself.


In those moments of wanting to give up I've started to say, "Wait, but I believe that piece of you is precious and useful, you wouldn't want to throw that away?" "Wait, I know we've been working hard and I've seen progress there, we're making progress and we should keep going" 


I have had to work on belief in my own worth and what I have to offer. Now, in the moment where I literally could choose if I'm going to give up on this or not, this is where I am finding worth in my work. Finding that what I have to offer the world is something beautiful. I never felt that before.


I've moved because I believe God wants me to do something. I've moved because my heart burned to create. It's one thing to hear someone tell you, and another to actually believe it.


If you asked me what my skills are, strengths, what I love, I can tell you that. But could I tell you that I believed in it? Could I tell you that I had worth? Could I tell you that who I am can actually help the world? I don't know. All I know is, now, more and more, I feel that what I am doing is worth it. I'm believing in myself.


I feel like this might be where the power comes in. Because I believe that God does help me, I believe he had a plan for me and I believe that he has a purpose for the things that are inside me. But without my belief in the plan, how can I move? 


I still have a long way to go to go, and a lot of things that have been promised, which I have yet to see, but I'm going keep going. I believe it will be worth it. I believe the love that I feel, the passion that burns inside of me meant to be shared with the world. And I'm going to share it.


No matter how much I’m being stretched right now and how many barriers I feel like I'm breaking through, I will continue forward. Thank you to everyone that have been helping me over this little bump.

I am gaining another advocate, myself.


Believe in yourself and what you love,

Love Dreamer Di


Challenge: Join God in loving the beautiful gifts and pieces of you


Words: Flowers, Sparkles, China