Monday, December 30, 2013

Tasting Results

Hey Dreamers,

I've been working for years to downsize.

Refining everything about myself and my surroundings.

This comes with the information I put into my brain, the people I surround myself with, getting rid of nasty old habits, and disconnecting from things and beliefs that don't create a result and good.

One favorite thing/hobby has been to disconnect from material items. 

I am constantly going through what I have. I am realizing that my emotions have changed and they do not connect to things anymore. This is so freeing.

Talking with my roommate tonight I realized: I am mobile.

I am mobile.

Holy crap, I am mobile... I've created the exact environment and possibility that I have wanted for years.

I have created jobs for myself where I plan my own schedule, make as little or as much as I want. I can work anywhere in the world, still do what I love, and I am my own boss. 

The reality and result of the environment I have created is finally hitting me.

I have disconnected from greed and the desire to spend money.

With work I have grown to not fill empty wounds in my soul with things that are not nurturing. Food, money, stuff, lust, and entertainment is not where I turn anymore.

And because of that, my pant size is shrinking drastically, bank accounts increasing, material things decreasing, including the stress of protecting/owning it. My time is filled with meaningful things, people and purpose. I am so blessed.

It has been a struggle, beyond what I ever expected, and there is more refinement to come, but I have created space for what I love on a daily basis.

I still have work to do in perfecting my craft, gaining skills and following directions, but I'm tasting some results from my work.

I am getting down to the very essentials of what I need. Consistently working to let go of things, the past, fears, and excuses.

In doing so I have found so much freedom. Freedom you guys. Freedom.

You know, God asked me a while ago. "Diana, what do you want freedom to look like?"

I have taken that suggestion seriously and have worked to create freedom daily.

I have a couple decisions to make this year. A lot of them would not be possible if it weren't for the freedom I have created around me.

I wish I could express how blessed I feel.

As I make these decisions I will fill you in on them.

Diligent work pays off,
Love Dreamer Di

Challenge: Think about how you can downsize you life. It can be throwing out a bag of things you don't use, making time for what you love or saving money instead of spending it. You can do it.

Words: Ask God to guide you

To give you an example of how much I've downsized, this is where I sleep.

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